How to Install a Skylight in Your Home, Yourself

If you’re looking for a way of not only letting more sunlight in during the day, but also of providing extra ventilation, and amazing views of the stars when it gets dark, a new skylight could be the solution.

Skylights are basically windows installed on the ceiling of your home as a way of letting in more light, offering extra ventilation, and also enhancing the aesthetics of your home. They come in a variety of different sizes, styles, and designs, and can be installed on a number of different roofs and ceilings. 

As fantastic as skylights are, they’re not exactly the easiest things to install. Not only is fitting a skylight a complex procedure, it can also be pricey. That’s why some people opt to install a skylight themselves. 

Fitting a skylight yourself is a great way of cutting back on labor costs, but there is a lot to consider beforehand, and a lot of work involved. If you are serious about it however, the following tips should be useful. 

Here’s a look at how to install a skylight in your home, yourself, and what to consider beforehand. 

Decide on the Style

One of the first things to consider in terms of how to install a skylight in your home, yourself, is which kind of style you would like to go with.

Skylights, as previously mentioned, come in a number of different shapes, sizes, styles, and designs. Before you commit to fitting one yourself, or having one installed, make sure you decide upon a specific style. 

A fixed skylight for example, is as the name implies and cannot be opened. It is essentially a window in the ceiling designed solely to let more light in. Ventilation skylights, however, are designed to provide ventilation and can be opened and closed, like regular windows.

If you are lacking space, or wish to fit a skylight into a smaller room, you’ll find that tubular skylights are ideal. 

Choose the Right Placement and Orientation

Another very important consideration in terms of how to install a skylight in your home is the orientation and placement of the skylight itself. 

It’s all well and good deciding on installing a skylight in the roof, but you need to choose the best location for the skylight itself. 

If you want a skylight to allow more sunlight and heat in in the morning, an east-facing skylight would be best as the sun rises in the east. 

If you’re looking for one which helps you to enjoy the sunset in the evening, install a west-facing skylight as the sun sets in the west. West-facing ones also allow for more consistent sunlight and heat during the day. 

Basically, think about what you’re looking to get from your skylight, and when you’re going to be sitting in the room to enjoy it the most. 

Check Building Codes and Regs

Another hugely important consideration as far as how to install a skylight in your home, yourself, is the building codes and regulations. 

Before you consider any form of construction, you first need to check the building codes and regulations in your state. This could determine which kinds of materials you’ll be using in the project. Some states for example, have codes and regs which require the use of non-combustible materials for the framing. That would of course rule out wood. 

The best bet is to check the building codes and regulations for your state, and your area. Regardless, you must adhere to them as failing to do so will result in all manner of legal issues and likely hefty fines and penalties. 

Ensure the Skylight is Waterproofed

One of the most common issues that people have with improperly installed skylights is leaking. The last thing you want is to install your skylight, sit back and admire your handywork, only to find that it isn’t waterproofed as soon as it rains. 

Needless to say, when you install your skylight, you’re going to have to make sure that you install it to be watertight. You can achieve this by sealing joints properly, following the guidelines correctly, installing waterproof flashing, and mounting the skylight above the roof’s surface so that rain runs off of it, rather than leaking through any gaps you may have missed. 

It is also worth checking the skylight is waterproof once you’ve fitted it. This may seem like more work, but it’s better to find out early, rather than during a torrential rainstorm in the middle of the night. 

Look for Energy Efficient Designs

Even though skylights are designed to offer you views of the sky and to let more natural sunlight into your home, they can also result in a loss of energy if you’re not careful. 

Improperly installed skylights can result in heat loss from your home and can let in cold air from the outside. This means that your home will not be energy efficient, and you’ll likely be spending more on energy bills to heat your home during the cooler months of the year. 

To help make your home more energy efficient, ensure that it is fitted correctly and is watertight, while also looking for double, or even triple-glazing glass as this helps lock in more heat while preventing heat loss. 

The frame should also offer more insulation so before you buy, make sure you find a skylight with an energy efficient design. 

Hire a Professional if You Aren’t Confident

Finally, as far as how to install a skylight in your home, yourself, if you are not confident you can complete the work yourself, it’s always best to hire a professional and have them take care of it for you. 

A skylight installation is not a small job, and there’s a lot to consider. If you make mistakes or fail to install it properly, not only will this result in more work for you, it will also cost you more money to make things right. 

A professional construction company, or contractor, does these installations for a living and you can therefore almost guarantee a professional job.